Throat Chakra Seamoss Gel (Blueberry Seamoss)
Throat Chakra Seamoss Gel (Blueberry Seamoss)
The Throat Chakra, is the fifth chakra in the body. It helps to bridge the lower four chakra to the higher spiritual chakras. Located at the centre of the neck, this energy centre is associated with communication. The Throat Chakra influences our capacity for communication and the way we express ourselves.
When the Throat Chakra is in balance, we feel present in our bodies, and are able to express our highest truth. Signs of alignment in the body include a sense of ease in speaking and a feeling of empowerment in communication. The throat may also feel clear, as if no physical blockages are present.
When the Throat Chakra is blocked or out of balance, we may feel stuck in our communication or unable to express our truth. Signs of non-alignment may include stiffness in the throat, difficulty articulating thoughts, physical soreness in the throat, and a feeling of being stuck or blocked. Additionally, we may experience communication difficulties, issues of depression or anger, and challenges with connecting to intuition.
Blueberries have the highest antioxidant capacity of all the popular fruits and vegetables. ... Antioxidants protect your body from free radicals, which are unstable molecules that can damage your cells and contribute to aging and diseases